Determine your DRI for iron and zinc and compare it to the average intake of iron and zinc from your Dietary Analysis project. (DRI zinc 11.00mg, iron 8.00mg), (average intake Iron 9.32mg, Zinc 3.006) comment on the difference.

Nutrition Question

  1. Select a phytochemical and write a one-page summary report about its attributes. Post the 4-5 paragraph summary report. Include the function(s) of the phytochemical, why it is important, and common food sources. Include information from a research article that supports its role in health. Include a complete citation of your reference. Comment on your findings.
  1. Determine your DRI for iron and zinc and compare it to the average intake of iron and zinc from your Dietary Analysis project. (DRI zinc 11.00mg, iron 8.00mg), (average intake Iron 9.32mg, Zinc 3.006) comment on the difference.

Write a list of iron rich foods that together would meet your daily DRI for iron.  Be sure to include the serving size and mg of iron each food contains along with the total mg of iron consumed for the day. It is ok to go moderately over your iron DRI, but do not exceed the UL (upper limit) for iron of 45 mg/day.

Write a list of zinc rich foods that together would meet your daily DRI for zinc. Be sure to include the serving size and mg of zinc each food contains along with the total mg of zinc consumed for the day. It is ok to go moderately over your zinc DRI, but do not exceed the UL (upper limit) for zinc of 40 mg/day.