The required numbers of robots to be delivered are shown in Table 4. which vary based on the last two digits of your Student PI number. Choose the one scenarios that apply to

Question 4

Mi Manufacturing company is famous for its mopping robots. The robots are assembled using various components as shown in Table 3. The numbers shown within the brackets denote the units of the component required to produce each unit of the item. Assume that these components are used for assembling the robots only.

Table 3. Details of Components

Item Lead
On Hand Minimum Stock Scheduled Receipt Lot Size Components
Robot 2 20       A.B(2).C(3)
A 2 10     25 D(4).E(2)
B 1 15 10 25 at week 2   E.F(3).0
C 2 _ 40 35   50
D 1 20 15    
E 1 20     40
F 2 25 20 30 at week 1 30


  • Apply Material Requirements Planning (MRP) approach to develop the bill of materials for the
  • The required numbers of robots to be delivered are shown in Table 4. which vary based on the last two digits of your Student PI number. Choose the one scenarios that apply to

Table 4: Requirement of Robots

Last Digits of PI Number Robot needed at Week 6 Robot needed at Week 8
00-33 50 120
34-66 75 100
67-99 100 90


Use MRP to schedule orders for the items B. C. D. E and F and the timing of those orders. In your answer. you should use the Material Requirement Planning Word Worksheet or Excel sheet provided during the seminar. Remember to include the relevant information in the worksheetExcel sheet.