Identify all of their paid assets: sponsored posts, advertisements (radio, video, magazine, newspaper, web). Analyze the paid media: What is the brand selling? Are there references to those items in its owned media?

Write an analysis of Trip Advisors marketing strategy

Write an analysis of a business or non-profit business’s marketing strategy.

  1. Identify all of their owned assets: podcasts, blogs, newsletters, videos, social media, magazines. Find examples of the type of owned media the brand produces. (FAQs? Reviews? Comparisons? Insights on industry tends? News stories discussed in the context of industry? Q&As? Tools? Product samples?)
  2. Identify all of their paid assets: sponsored posts, advertisements (radio, video, magazine, newspaper, web). Analyze the paid media: What is the brand selling? Are there references to those items in its owned media?
  3. Find examples of earned media about the brand: articles, reviews, etc. Is it positive or negative? What are the differences between how the brand presents itself and how it is seen by others?
  4. How could the brand improve its content marketing strategy? If its earned media doesn’t align with its owned/paid media, what could be done differently? If there is a lot of paid media, how could it boost its earned media? Does the brand need more owned media so that people don’t always feel like they’re being sold to?

Reformat your analysis as a section of a business proposal. You’re welcome to explore templates on formatting your business proposal — You do not need for this assignment to be the full proposal (which would require you to invent a lot of fiction on your mock marketing company), but you should expand on what your imagined company as business to business transaction would offer. You’re welcome to include other elements typical of a business proposal, such as the budget and timeframe, if desired.

The expanded and revised version of this analysis should be expanded to at least 1,000 words and should include citations/references to the various examples you discuss. Please use MLA formatting for the referenced examples you discuss. You can see MLA sample papers here:…

and here:

You’re also welcome to refer to “Essay Template” in the Resources section.