Choose a service offered by a healthcare organization, and create a service blueprint of it. You may have to imagine some of the systems and services that take place backstage if you are unfamiliar with them. 6. Think of a problem in your healthcare organization. Perform an RCA

1. For the HMO vaccination program example provided in the chapter,
reanalyze the situation assuming that the probability of a flu outbreak is

65 percent and the cost of the vaccination program is $8 million. What

is your decision under these new conditions?

2. In the DRG case-mix problem, VVH determined that it could convert
15 of its routine beds to ICU beds for a cost of $2,000. What should

VVH do, and why?

The high cost of medical care and insurance is a growing societal problem.
Develop a mind map of this issue. (Advanced: Use Inspiration software.)

Individually or in teams, develop a map of a healthcare process or
system with which you are familiar. Make sure that your process map

has a start and an endpoint, all inputs and outputs are defined, and

all key process steps are included. Explain your map to the rest of

the class—this step may help you determine if anything is missing.

(Advanced: Use Microsoft Visio.)

Choose a service offered by a healthcare organization, and create a
service blueprint of it. You may have to imagine some of the systems

and services that take place backstage if you are unfamiliar with them.

Think of a problem in your healthcare organization. Perform an RCA
of the identified problem using the five whys technique and a fishbone


Pick one solution to the problem identified in exercise 6, and conduct a
force field analysis of it