Among the six or so essential steps in jump-starting a car, which one is the most complicated? What smaller steps could you break it down into for clarity—a:d safety?

Dave barry

1. Assuming the role of know-it-all father who’s giving sage counsel to a ter. Barry attenuates the process he’s analyzing into Fourteen steps. In a ‘igh humorous (but more accurate) analysis, the process of jump-starting a car can be accomplished in about half a dozen essential steps. If you begin with “obtain car’ “open hood,” what would the other steps be?

2. Among the six or so essential steps in jump-starting a car, which one is the most complicated? What smaller steps could you break it down into for clarity—a:d safety?

3. When connecting the jumper cables, says Barry, take special care “to reverse the polarity” (to). Where else in his analysis do we get signs like this that Barry’s per. sona has virtually no idea what he’s doing but that Barry himself does (maybe))

4. Other Methods. Barry frequently uses comic (not to mention unnecessary) DEFINITIONS, as in step 4 where he tells the reader what the saint tod he text. of a car is. What do these contribute to his humor? Point out several example

5. Explain Barry’s use of CAUSE AND EFFECT in step 14.