Do you believe people who commit violent acts, like bank robberies, deserve trial by jury?

Instructions: Academic personal point of view ( No research is needed ).

2. Do you believe people who commit violent acts, like bank robberies, deserve trial by jury?

3. For countries that do not have the money to implement costly financial court systems as do America, what are your thoughts about those countries that use public firing squads as means of deterrence.

4. Police officers, who respond to robbery calls, often face split second decisions that could result in life or death for suspects, or worst yet, the lives of the officers themselves. While it is easy for the public to give opinions of what the officer should or should not do, how would you handle bank robbery calls if you were a cop?

5. It has been said that “the day you choose to commit robbery is the day you choose to die.” What do you think this statement?

6. What do you think is behind violent and aggressive behaviors such as bank robbery, greed or laziness?

7. While classical school of thoughts recommends swift punishment to deter crime, Mosaic Law postulates “an eye for an eye.” Given the brutal nature of bank robberies, what do you think of public execution of bank robbers?