Think critically about a current issue, while considering the material we learned in the course.

The purpose of this paper is to get you to think critically about a current issue, while considering the material we learned in the course.

What is research? How is it different from searching online?


Your essay will be approximately 4-6 pages.

Your essay will be in the form of a traditional (hamburger style) research paper format (see “BODY” below). Your essay must contain:

1. INTRODUCTION: [5 marks]

(a) Hook

(b) Thesis statement

(c) Outline of what you will argue

2. BODY: [10 marks]

(a) Second best argument in support of your thesis statement

(b) Best argument in support of your thesis statement

(c) Use minimum of 2 Academic Sources (i.e., course textbook, Humber Library Resources – Journal Articles, Books, Archives, Documentaries). Failure to use at least 2 Academic Resources will result in failing this assignment. The following will NOT be accepted: magazines, blogs, vlogs, Wikipedia, YouTube, etc.

3. CONCLUSION: [2.5 marks]

(a) Rephrase your thesis statement

(b) Briefly outline what you argued and the supporting pieces of evidence

(c) A brief explanation of why your argument is important and what, if any, lessons we can learn from this research

4. REFERENCES: [2.5 marks]

(a) (APA format) and also in-text citations throughout your paper

(b) 12pt font, Times New Roman

(c) Double-spaced

You will write your essay on the following topic:

Culture – “Despite its multiculturalism, discrimination continues to exist in Canada”

You can choose to focus on Indigenous populations, other racial/ethnic group, or subcultural group (e.g., LGBTQSP2+) in Canada. You can also speak to the systemic discrimination that takes place in the Canadian context OR specific incidents whereby racial or ethnic discrimination has been evident.