Develop a 5-9 page problem statement that presents information related to the problem-intervention-comparison-outcome-time (PICOT) approach to nursing research.

Prevention of pressure injuries in the acute care patient

Develop a 5-9 page problem statement that presents information related to the problem-intervention-comparison-outcome-time (PICOT) approach to nursing research.
Your problem statement will focus on presenting information related to the problem-intervention-comparison-outcome-time (PICOT) approach to nursing research. You will also present a brief literature review that supports the need you identified in your problem statement and the appropriateness of your broad intervention approach. Provide enough detail so that the faculty member assessing your problem statement will be able to provide substantive feedback that you will be able to incorporate into the other project components in this course, as well as into the final draft of your project.

Need Statement (1 paragraph).

Analyze a health promotion, quality improvement, prevention, education or management need.

Population and Setting (1–2 paragraphs).

Describe a target population and setting in which an identified need will be addressed.

Intervention Overview (1–2 paragraphs).

Explain an overview of one or more interventions that would help address an identified need within a target population and setting.

Comparison of Approaches (1–2 paragraphs).

Analyze potential interprofessional alternatives to an initial intervention with regard to their possibilities to meet the needs of the project, population, and setting.
Initial Outcome Draft (1 paragraph).

Define an outcome that identifies the purpose and intended accomplishments of an intervention for a health promotion, quality improvement, prevention, education, or management need.