Why did you choose this particular child example? Did their situation strike a particular emotional/experiential cord in you?

  1. Why did you choose this particular child example? Did their situation strike a particular emotional/experiential cord in you?
  2. The PFA manual asks us to focus on ONLY the first two steps in rendering psychological first aid – Contact and Engagement and Safety and Comfort.
  1. How would you assess your readiness to help render these two first stages of PFA? Are you by nature calm in the face of disaster or emergencies? Are you culturally sensitive with regard to the best approach needed with distinct cultural members? How aware of you of who can be identified as belonging to At-Risk populations?
  1. After reading the two-page required reading Non-Clinical Interventions can you identify the Mental Health Crisis the child/adolescent in the case you chose is experiencing? How familiar are you with the Non-Clinical Interventions that are listed to the right of each of those disorders? Are they interventions that you have first-hand knowledge of or experience with? How comfortable would you be introducing them to the child/teen?