What is the main goal of the project? Who are the targeted users and what does the project allow them to do?

Choose a project/dapp/token from the top 100. (not bitcoin/ethereum).

1 Give an overall summary of the project (3-6 slides):

What is the main goal of the project? Who are the targeted users and what does the project allow them to do?

2. How does the protocol earn revenue or profits? How are those profits distributed? (1 slide)

3. Who were the individuals or what was the entity that started the project? What is their background (other projects or education). (1 slide)

4. Is there a DAO associated with the project. Can you find and show an example of an improvement proposal? (snapshot.org) (1 slide)

5. What was the highest price of the token associated with the project and what was the lowest price over the prior 12 months? What is the current Market Capitalization of the project? (1 slide)

6. Do an internet search for news on your project. Give a brief summary of a significant newsworthy event. (2 slides)