Select a quantitative research study that relates to your final project topic. Clearly indicate the chosen research article.

My final project topic is: “What are the key reasons for child mortality?

1. Select a quantitative research study that relates to your final project topic. Clearly indicate the chosen research article.

2. Determine if the study is descriptive, correlational, quasi-experimental, or experimental.

3. Critically appraise your chosen article using the applicable guidelines below:

For quasi-experimental or experimental:

1. Indicate the study design

2. What were the strengths and threats to validity?

3. Which elements were controlled and which elements could have been controlled to improve the study?

4. Was the intervention described in detail? Was a protocol used to ensure consistent implementation of the intervention?

5. Were the dependent variables measured with reliable and valid measurement methods?

For descriptive and correlational studies:

1. Identify the study design.

2. Does the design address the purpose or questions?

3. Was the sample appropriate?

4. Were the study variables measured with reliable and valid measurement methods?

5. Was the data collection process implemented consistently and without bias?