Using the U.S. Census website ( what was the population estimate for the State of Florida for 2008?

Basic Information Sources and Services
Government document exercise


This exercise is similar to the others you have completed throughout the semester. Note
that it will require manual updating once you’ve submitted the exercise.

This Assignment can be saved and resumed later.

Q1: Using the Social Security Administration website (, what were the top 5 female names for births in 2007?
Q2: Using the Social Security Administration website (, what were the top compare the 10 most popular names for 1907 and 2007 for females. Which names
remained on the list?

Q3: In how many languages other than English is Social Security Information available?

Q4: Using the U.S. Census website ( what was the population estimate
for the State of Florida for 2008?

Q5: What was the 2000 Census population figure for the State of Florida?

Q6: Using the U.S. Census website locate the Mini Historical Statistics of the Statistical
Abstract of the United States. What was the total school enrollment for public schools in

Q7 Using The U.S Government Official Web Portal as your gateway, what
was the term of office for U.S. Supreme Court Chief Justice William Howard Taft?

Q8: Using The U.S. Government’s Official Web Portal as your gateway, what
is the title of the most current report which provides key indicators on aspects of the lives
of older Americans and their families? And what are the five broad categories of
indicators covered in the report?

Q9: Who is the only woman to appear on a U.S. currency note, what was the note, and
when was it printed?

Q10: Using an official federal government resource, help your student’s American civics
class find out how a federal bill becomes a law. Provide them with a website that gives