What is the molar mass of the unknown substance? Would this balloon float in a room of 25.0 ° C ammonia (NH3) gas.

  1. (15 points) An empty balloon weighs 2.1 grams. At 25.0 C and 1.0 atm the balloon is filled with a pure substance. The filled balloon has a volume of 15.9 L and weighs 13.8 grams. Answer each question below with justification (prove your answer).
  2. What is the molar mass of the unknown substance? Would this balloon float in a room of 25.0 ° C ammonia (NH3) gas.
  3. If you heated that balloon to 100. ° C, what would be the new volume?
  4. Would the 100. ° C balloon float in a room of 25 ° C ammonia (NH3) gas? (HINT: how does the ideal gas law give you the density of a gas?)