Energy is released by the metal. What is qMETAL? (this one is easy) C. What is the specific heat (Cs) of the metal?

A proof starts with something we all agree on. Provides clear, linked steps which are
demonstrated as true. It leads to the answer you are attempting to discover.
In science, questions less often require an “answer” than a way to be certain of an
answer. For most of the questions below the answer is worth 1-2 points.
Presenting the answer with the correct sig figs and units is worth 1-2 points.
The rest of the points are for presenting a compelling, clearly written proof.

We can agree on that which we all observe and the laws of science
(including the gas laws, the heat capacity laws, and the laws of stoichiometry).

  1. (9 points) A 15.0 gram piece of metal is heated to 65.0 ° C and then dropped into 175 grams of 24.0 ° C water. The system eventually comes to a stable temperature of 35.5 °C. (The specific heat of water is 4.184 J/g*C)
  2. Energy is absorbed by the water. What is gWATER?
  3. Energy is released by the metal. What is qMETAL? (this one is easy) C. What is the specific heat (Cs) of the metal?