Examine the role of the financial system in the economy and the rationale for financial intermediation.

Assignment Purposes/Learning Outcomes:

After completion of Assignment-2 (Mini Project) students will be able to:

LO1.Demonstrate an awareness of the variety of financial instruments.

LO2. Examine the role of the financial system in the economy and the rationale for financial intermediation.

Assignment Question:                                                   (10 Marks)

Students must use proper references to justify their assignment work. 

Assignment 2 is a Mini Project.


There is a topic “THE ROLE OF MONETARY POLICY IN FINANCIAL STABILITY” You have to select any country to explain how monetary policy helped country to stabilize financial system after a financial crisis.


Write your answer by following these headings:

  1. The functions of monetary policy (In general) (2marks)
  2. Role of monetary policy in financial stability (In general)        (2marks)
  3. Describe the reasons for its financial crisis (about your selected country) (2marks)
  4. Impact of financial crisis on economy (about your selected country) (2marks)
  5. How monetary policy contributed in stabilizing economy (about your selected country)  (2marks)