Describe the layout of the court. Where was the defendant? The judge? Jurors? Media?

Court Reporting: BU7290 2021

Word count: 600 max (focus on 05 and Q6 in terms of word count—the first 4 questions do not count towards word count, and should be explained as directly as possible — you will NOT get extra points for extra wording in 01-4, but you need to answer these fully to do well on this assignment)

  1. What court did you attend and what was the date of your attendance?
  2. What kind of hearing did you attend? (summary trial, sentencing hearing, jury-trial, etc.)
  3. Who were the key figures in the case? (name of barrister/solicitor, judge, defendant)
  4. Describe the layout of the court. Where was the defendant? The judge? Jurors? Media?
  5. Now, write a short news story covering what you saw in court. Remember, you can only report on what is said in court — not what you read outside the room, not anything that was said in the absence of the jury (if you attended a jury trial).

You should write this as a news story, not a research paper. That said, use correct terminology where appropriate (do not call the barrister a ‘lawyer’, do not call the Magistrate ‘Her Ladyship’). The story should be at least 3 paragraphs, so you may need to do additional research (i.e. when you explain the charges), but do NOT add any details that would prejudice the defendant or interfere with the process of justice

generally. Make sure you know the names of all parties in the court and use them in your report.

Do not write like a police officer or a lawyer. Remember, you are writing a story that you want people to read! A few good quotes from the courtroom will go a long way in this regard. Lots of students go to court together, and report on the same case. Make yours your own — tell it your way.

We will NOT publish these stories, but it is good practice for you to understand and demonstrate that you appreciate the duty of the media in reporting court activities, balanced with the right to fair trial enjoyed by all citizens. (500 words MAX)

  1. Finally, write a brief reflection on your experience of attending court. What did you learn from the experience? What was the most surprising part about this assignment? (100 words)