Critically analyze health policy proposals, health policies, and related issues from the perspective of consumers, nursing, other health professions, and other stakeholders in policy and public forums.

Standards and Accreditation in Nursing Education

DNP program
1. Critically analyze health policy proposals, health policies, and related issues from
the perspective of consumers, nursing, other health professions, and other
stakeholders in policy and public forums.
2. Demonstrate leadership in the development and implementation of institutional,
local, state, federal, and/or international health policy.
3. Influence policy makers through active participation on committees, boards, or
task forces at the institutional, local, state, regional, national, and/or international
levels to improve health care delivery and outcomes.
4. Educate others, including policy makers at all levels, regarding nursing, health
policy, and patient care outcomes.
5. Advocate for the nursing profession within the policy and healthcare
6. Develop, evaluate, and provide leadership for health care policy that shapes health care financing, regulation, and delivery.
7. Advocate for social justice, equity, and ethical policies within all healthcare