Using Table 9-9 on page 415 of the textbook, complete the rating tool provided to achieve a total score (Total Points) for rating this weigh loss plan.

Mark Breakdown: Maximum Marks: 20 (worth 20% of final grade)

This assignment is to be completed using the following diet and the link to the diet provided:
The Cabbage Soup Diet

Summarize the key concepts of weight loss that the diet claims (in paragraph form). [3 marks]

Enter Day 1 and Day 2 of the Cabbage Soup Diet into

Once you have the reports from step #3 above (you do not submit these reports), complete the following chart: [3 marks]

% from Day 1 % from Day 2
Calories (Energy)
Net Carbohydrates
Day 1 Day 2
List any vitamin needs that were met
List any mineral needs that were met

Review the ten red flags for weight loss programs found under the “What is a fad diet?” section at the following link:

Explain where you see these items identified. [5 marks]

6. Using Table 9-9 on page 415 of the textbook, complete the rating tool provided to achieve a total score (Total Points) for rating this weigh loss plan. [4 marks]

Factor Yes or No If NO, Subtract 10 Points (Starting with 160 points)
Vitamins & Minerals
Ordinary Foods
False Promises
Lifestyle Changes
Reasonable Costs
Warning of Risks
No Gimmicks or Mandatory Supplements

Summarize the assignment by providing a paragraph as to your opinion of the diet based on what you have learned from the results of questions 4, 5, and 6 above.
[2 marks]

Format and Style [3 marks]
Write up: double spaced, 12 point font, paragraph form (do not write in point form or answer questions as numbered items). The paper will be marked for spelling, grammar, poor sentence structure.