Explain how you would approach this situation and what measures would you take to improve the relationship between the school and the family.

Individualized Educational Program (IEP) Goals and Objectives

Background:  A 6-year-old child has recently been diagnosed with a bilateral severe-to-profound hearing loss.  The child currently attends a public school (not a school for the Deaf).  The child is currently placed in a general education Kindergarten classroom.  The child does not read on grade level.  The child cannot accurately count to 20.  The child does not understand phonics.  When the child speaks, the child is hard to understand and scored very low on receptive language assessments.  The child has limited knowledge of sign language.

Please fill out the boxes below.  What IEP goal would you assign this child and what two objectives will you focus on to achieve the goal?

In the box below, what suggestions would you give the team about the child’s placement?  In a narrative format, please explain to the team at least 4 suggestions you would provide to support this child in the school. (Limit:  Under 500 words)

Background:  An 11th grade student who attends a public high school has been struggling with self-advocacy skills.  The student’s grades have been suffering because the student is not asking for help with the work.  The student does not consistently wear hearing aids and requires an ASL interpreter in all classes.  You are the student’s itinerant teacher and you see the student 5 days of the week for 45 minutes each time.

Below write two D/HH goals for the student.

The annual IEP meeting is in two weeks, you believe that the child needs more services.  You feel that the 5 days a week for 45 minutes each is not enough.  You are proposing 5 days a week for 90 minutes each day.  You are getting some resistant from the parents and your IEP Chair about increasing the service time.  What data can you collect in the next two weeks to justify your proposal?  Please write your answers in the box below.  (Limit:  Under 300 words).

You are coming into a new school system. You got little information here and there about a particular student and his family. You find out that the school and the family are stuck in a disagreement about services for the child. The previous DHH teacher didn’t help matters by skipping out on scheduled sessions and showing up to IEP meetings unprepared. Explain how you would approach this situation and what measures would you take to improve the relationship between the school and the family. (Limit: Under 300 words).