What is the political climate and context surround-ing the evaluation? Who are the most concerned stakeholders? What individuals or groups might benefit from a positive evaluation? Who might benefit from a negative one? Will any political factors and forces preclude a meaningful and fair evaluation?

The assignment must conclude with a well-crafted purpose statement and must also include a one-page logic model describing the program you plan to evaluate. You can choose any program of your choice to evaluate.

Please explore the purpose for conducting a program evaluation by examining the reasons for initiating the evaluation. address the questions under the following headings: purpose, users and use of the evaluation, program description, program logic or theory, resources and timeframe and relevant contextual issues. Please address most of the questions listed under each heading in a concise yet substantive manner.

References: Fitzpatrick, J., Sanders, J., & Worthen, B. (2011). Program evaluation: Alternative approaches and practical guidelines (4th ed.). Boston: Allyn & Bacon. ISBN: 0205579353

1. Purpose. Why is this evaluation being requested? What is its purpose? What questions will it answer? 2. Users and Use. To what use will the evaluation findings be put? By whom? What others should be informed of the evaluation results?
3. The Program. What is to be evaluated? What does it include? What does it ex-clude? When and where does it operate? Who is the intended client for the pro-gram? What are the goals and objectives of the program? What problem or issue is the program intended to address? Why was it initiated? Who was involved in its planning? What prompted the selection of this strategy or intervention? Who is in charge of the program? Who delivers it? What are their skills and training? Has it ever been evaluated before? What data exist on it?
4. Program logic or theory. What are the essential program activities? How do they lead to the intended goals and objectives? What is the program theory or logic model? What have different stakeholders observed happening as a result of the program?
5. Resources and timeframe. How much time and money are available for the eval-uation? Who is available to help with it? What is the timeframe for it? When is final information needed? Are there requirements that must be met for interim reports
6. Relevant contextual issues. What is the political climate and context surround-ing the evaluation? Who are the most concerned stakeholders? What individuals or groups might benefit from a positive evaluation? Who might benefit from a negative one? Will any political factors and forces preclude a meaningful and fair evaluation?