Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of this type of leadership style. What is your leaders impact outside of the organization?

Give a background on the leader including their name, type of organization, organization's primary products and/or services, how long they have been with the organization, prior organizational associations (if any) and number of followers or employees. Show their growth through a timeline from birth to what they are now.
Classify the leadership style used. Justify your classification with examples. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of this type of leadership style.What is your leaders impact outside of the organization?

Do they work with any charities, not-for profits? Do they have a social media presence (Linkedin, Twitter, Instagram)?
-Assess the culture found within the organization and justify this assessment with examples. Discuss your leaders impact on organizational culture.
-Make at least two recommendations for your leader based upon what you have learned about leadership communication in this course.