Analyze and document the functional dependencies in each relation identified in 4-63 above. If any relation is not in 3NF, decompose it into 3NF, using the steps described in this chapter. Revise your relational schema accordingly.


4-63. Map the EER diagram you developed in Chapter 3, 3-44, to a relational schema using the techniques described in this chapter. Be sure to appropriately identify the primary and foreign keys as well as clearly state referential integrity constraints.

4-64. Analyze and document the functional dependencies in each relation identified in 4-63 above. If any relation is not in 3NF, decompose it into 3NF, using the steps described in this chapter. Revise your relational schema accordingly.

4-65. Does it make sense for FAME to use enterprise keys? If so, create the appropriate enterprise keys and revise the relational schema accordingly.