Discuss those topics while each of you tries to figure out the other person’s feelings. Pay close attention to your partner’s nonverbal and verbal cues. Avoid the question “What emotions do you feel about X?”

Discussion Board #4: Nonverbal Communication and Listening

Use as a source: Interpersonal Communication, Everyday Encounters by Julia Wood 9th edition IBSN: 0013581473 Publisher: Cengage

Chapter 5: The World Beyond Words (Nonverbal Communication):
1. Identify two nonverbal behaviors that would signal a positive interaction during a job interview. Define each of these behaviors. Then identify two nonverbal behaviors that would signal a negative interaction in this context Define each of these behaviors and use key terminology from the text. (3 points)
2. Social experiment: For 30 minutes to an hour, please refrain from smiling during a social interaction. Do not let the person you are conversing with know you are engaging in a social experiment. Continue to speak as you normally would and discuss topics of interest, but try not to smile. How did the other person respond? How did you feel refraining from smiling for 30 minutes to an hour. Based on the text and your experience, why do we value smiling during social interactions? Is smiling is an accurate portrayal of liking and intimacy? Explain. ( 2 points)
Chapter 6: Mindful Listening
Identify three topics that you and your partner will discuss – perhaps
What are you doing after graduation?
What’s your hometown like?
What are your plans for Thanksgiving Break?

Each of you should privately identify feelings about those topics that you will communicate – your fear or excitement about the future, your longing or distaste for home, your happiness or disappointment with your next vacation.

Discuss those topics while each of you tries to figure out the other person’s feelings. Pay close attention to your partner’s nonverbal and verbal cues. Avoid the question “What emotions do you feel about X?” Figure that out through the open-ended questions you ask.

When you are done, check how close your perceptions were to the feelings your partner had during your conversation. Be sure to ask your partner if your interpretation of their feelings were correct.

Write about the conversation in your discussion post. What were the topics discussed with your partner? Was your perception of your partner’s feelings about the topics accurate?Contemplate why or why not. ( 2 points)
– What type of listening did you engage in? ( 1 point)
– What strategies did you adopt to listen actively (refer to the text or video)? ( 1 point)
– Were there barriers or potential barriers to your active listening? What were they? ( 1 point