How is this family the same or different than the traditional family structure? Do you feel these commonalities and differences are positive or negative?

The Kids are All Right (2010) – Two children conceived by artificial insemination bring their biological father into their non-traditional family life.

Watch the film The Kids are All Right (2010) and submit a 1–2-page response paper exploring the definition of family in the context of the characters in this movie. How does the family in this movie recognize the diversity within the definition of family within the text while acknowledging the essential functions that are included with a family structure? How is this family the same or different than the traditional family structure? Do you feel these commonalities and differences are positive or negative?


Assignment 2: (Chapter 6)

Drawing for Chapter 6, section "Singles: Their Various Living Arrangements," conduct interviews with people from at least two of the categories. Attempt to talk with someone who has been a part of a Living Apart Together arrangement. Write a 1–2-page paper reporting the results for comparison purposes.