Describe the history of racial biases and unfair practices between law enforcement officers and minorities. In addition to the 2 instances provided above, discuss other examples that have occurred in the United States.

Written Assignment – Bias in Law Enforcement
Assignment Background For this assignment, you will need to research the history of racial bias and unfair practices between law enforcement officers and minorities. To help get you started, you may want to watch one or both of these videos. Michael Brown and Ferguson And America After Ferguson Assignment Instructions In a 3-page paper, written in APA format using proper spelling/grammar, address the items below based on your research findings:
Describe the history of racial biases and unfair practices between law enforcement officers and minorities. In addition to the 2 instances provided above, discuss other examples that have occurred in the United States.
Explain ways in which racial biases and unfair practices impact the relationship between law enforcement and the communities they serve. Make 2-3 suggestions about how the law enforcement departments might address the identified concerns.