Define the lifecycle for a system. Draw the stages of a system’s lifecycle. Discuss the lifecycle characteristics for the system you selected at question 1.1.

Question 1 (13 × 2 = 26 pts.): Answer the following short answer or multiple choice questions.
Circle or underline the answers for the multiple choice questions, or provide you answers for the
short answer questions in the provided blank space after the question only (i.e., your short answers
should be, well, short ☺).

1.1 What is a system? Give an example that fits your definition of a system. (Hint: Provide a system
example that is appropriate for being designed using the systems engineering process, as you
will need to refer back to your selected system in several subsequent questions).

. What is systems thinking? Consider the system you selected previously at question 1.1 and
discuss the value of systems thinking process if it were to be applied to your selected system.

1.3. Which of the following is not a systems science discipline?

a) Systems engineering
b) Systems dynamics
c) General systems theory
d) Electrical engineering

1.4. Define the lifecycle for a system. Draw the stages of a system’s lifecycle. Discuss the lifecycle
characteristics for the system you selected at question 1.1.

1.5. What is the difference that systems engineering makes between system primary functions and
system  secondary  functions?  Identify  the  system  primary  function(s)  and  system  secondary
functions for the system you selected at question 1.1.

1.6.  In  which  systems  engineering  process  stage  is  the  largest  commitment  to  technology,
performance, and cost made?

a) Production and/or construction
b) Operation and support
c) Detail design and development
d) Conceptual and preliminary design

1.7. Provide two examples of system specifications for the system you selected in question 1.1.

1.8. In which systems engineering process stage is the requirements development process started?

a) Conceptual design
b) Preliminary design
c) Detail (configuration item) design
d) Implementation verification

1.9.  What  are  the  design  dependent  parameters  (DDPs)?  What  are  the  design  independent
parameters (DIPs)? Consider again the system you selected at question 1.1, and give two examples
of DDPs and two examples of DIPs.

1.10.  Define  Domain  Requirements  and  Non-Functional  Requirements.  Provide  an  example  of
each for the system selected in question 1.1.

1.11. What is meant by “true” testing and in which stage of the systems engineering process is the
“true” test performed? Considering again the system you selected at question 1.1, briefly describe
how you would have the “true” test performed?

1.12 A system (vehicle) main function is to transport a group of students from city A to city B on
Florida’s turnpike  (a  toll  road).  The  vehicle  is  equipped  with  a  SunPass  device  (a  prepaid  toll
program) and such it does not need to stop at any of the toll plazas on route from city A to city B.
With regard to the system main function, in which of the following categories would you include
the SunPass device?

e) Inputs
f) Outputs
g) Controls
h) Mechanisms
Question 2 (10 × 3 = 30 pts.): Answer the following requirements development questions.

2.1 Consider the following statements and choose the correct answer.

2.1.1 The objective of the verification process is to “build the system right.” What does that

a) Ensure that the system complies with the system requirements and conforms to its design.
b) Ensure that the system does what it is supposed to do in its intended environment.

2.1.2  The  objective  of  the  validation process is to “build the right system.” What does that

a) Ensure that the system complies with the system requirements and conforms to its design.
b) Ensure that the system does what it is supposed to do in its intended environment.

2.2 Consider the following requirements and choose the correct answer. Provide short answers, if
your selected answer asks for that.

2.2.1 The probability of receiving an incorrect bit on the telecommunications channel shall be
less than 0.001.

a) The requirement can be verified through testing.
b) The requirement cannot  be verified through testing. If the  requirement cannot be
verified through testing, propose another means of verification.

2.2.2 The probability of loss of life on a manned mission to Mars shall be less than 0.001.

a) The requirement can be verified through testing.
b) The requirement cannot  be verified through testing. If the  requirement cannot be
verified through testing, propose another means of verification.

2.2.3 The probability of the system being canceled by politicians shall be less than 0.001.

a) The requirement can be verified through testing.
b) The  requirement  cannot  be  verified  through  testing.  If  the  requirement
cannot be verified through testing, propose another means of verification.

2.2.4 The system shall be available 99.9% of the time.

a) Incorrect
b) Incomplete
c) Inconsistent
d) Ambiguous
2.3  The  following  text  is  used  for  questions  2.3.1  –  2.3.4:  Consider  the  following  set  of
requirements  for  an  electric  water  heater  controller  and  chose  the  correct  answer.  Provide  short
answers, if your selected answer asks for that.

• When the system signals a temperature higher than 70°, but lower than 100°, the system
shall output 3000 Watts.
• When the system signals a temperature of 100° or higher, but lower than 130°, the system
shall output 2000 Watts.
• When the system signals a temperature of 120° or higher, but lower than 150°, the system
shall output 1000 Watts.

  • When the system signals a temperature of 150° or higher, the system shall output 0 Watts.

    a) The set of requirements is correct.
    b) The set of requirements is incorrect. If the set of requirements is incorrect, identify
    the  condition,  status,  reason,  or  piece  of  information  that  makes  the  set  of
    requirements incorrect.

    a) The set of requirements is unambiguous.
    b) The  set  of  requirements  is  ambiguous.  If  the  set  of  requirements  is  ambiguous,
    identify the condition, status, reason, or piece of information that makes the set of
    requirements ambiguous.

    a) The set of requirements is complete.
    b) The  set  of  requirements  is  incomplete.  If  the  set  of  requirements  is  incomplete,
    identify the condition, status, reason, or piece of information that makes the set of
    requirements incomplete.

a) The set of requirements is consistent.
b) The set of requirements is inconsistent. If the set of requirements is inconsistent,
identify the condition, status, reason, or piece of information that makes the set of
requirements inconsistent.


Question 4 (40 pts.):
You are assisting a firm during the conceptual design process for a new system designed to
automate the food production for a senior living facility. The new system must perform the
following functions
1. Deliver food to residents
2. Heat food to serving temperature
3. Store food safely
4. Put finished food on plate.
5. Collect dirty dishes from resident when complete.

Create a Morph Chart to explore different potential solutions for this design challenge.


Question 5 (60 pts.):

Three requirements elicitation techniques (Designer as Apprentice, Task Analysis, and Interviews)
were used to obtain the process of designing and bringing new products in an assemble-to-stock
company that produces components for aircraft systems described below:

The first step is to design the product, based upon marketing data and engineering data. This must
be  done  for  no  more  than  X  $.  Once  the  product  is  designed,  the  assembly  plan  is  generated.
Facility data is used to ensure that the assembly plan is feasible. Three months are available for
designing the product and developing the assembly plan.

The assembly line is then designed. This consists of three steps as follows:
a. Assign tasks to stations (also establish how many stations).
b. Determine the equipment requirements at each station, based upon task station assignments
and the product design. Facility data and equipment catalogs are also used for this step.
c. Determine  how  to  arrange  the  stations  on  the  assembly  line,  based  upon  the  task
assignments, number of stations, and facility data.

Once these steps have been completed, the assembly line design, along with the required monthly
production  quantity  and  some  labor  loading  data,  are  used  to  determine  the  production  plan.
Finally,  the  production  plan  and  product  design  data  are  used  to  determine  suitable  inventory
control policies for the assembly line. The product design, assembly plan, assembly line design,
production plan, and inventory control policies are all used as inputs to other planning activities.

Develop an IDEF0 model for this process. Your model should consist of informational activities
only, and no mechanisms need be presented.