What kind of products or services would you offer? In developing your business your objectives must include the following

Imagine that you are considering starting your own business. Choosing a business in
which you have a strong interest is advisable. What kind of products or services would
you offer? In developing your business your objectives must include the following:
• How would your new company be established (sole proprietorship, partnership,
corporation, etc.)? Expand upon and describe in detail your choice and why.
 Specify the Four P’s of Marketing for your product or service (product,
placement/distribution, promotion, and price).
 The current state of the business in terms of SWOT analysis (strengths,
weaknesses, opportunities, and threats)
• The current state of the overall industry and growth projections
• Who is your competition?
• Primary sources of sales/revenues of current business and dependencies
 What talents or skills do you have that you could use to operate the business?
• Define your customer profile.
 Advertise your business, for example create and be specific by providing,
Advertisements, Social Media, Website, Flyers, Newsletters, etc. within your
research project
 What are any new and unexplored market opportunities?
• The long-term view, especially with regards to the initiatives being proposed
• The cost areas and the possible options for cost-savings
The research project must be typed, double spaced, font size 12 with one-inch margins.
This assignment must be at least 5 (five) pages of original text. Note: Photographs,
charts, etc. do not count as text. The project must utilize one-inch margins, be double spaced with 12-point font.
 You must have a Cover Page with your name, date, course name, section number and the subject
matter of the project.
 You must include a Table of Contents listing the format of your project. The table of contents
should be placed directly behind the cover page. The table of contents page should include the
subject information and actual page numbers where information may be found. Remember to
number all pages on the bottom right-hand corner after the table of contents. Page numbering
begins with the first page following the Table of Contents.
 You must have a citations page. The citations page should be the last page of the project.
 Attach a legible and clear scan or electronic version of any article to which you refer to in your
 Spelling, grammar, punctuation, capitalization are major components for performing well in the

Create a product or service that is new and unique and innovative Please pay