Using Source 43—The Cyrus Legend, analyze the essential aspects of Persian kingship as it was understood by the Greeks

Using Source 43—The Cyrus Legend, analyze the essential aspects of Persian kingship as it was understood by the Greeks

Turning in your essays:

  1. Please write in double-spaced, twelve-point Times New Roman font with one-inch margins. The minimum length is 1,000 words.
  2. Outside research is not necessary, but if you do cite sources beyond the textbooks for this course, please create footnotes in Chicago style:…
  3. Only sources from the LMU library (print or digital collections) are acceptable as outside research (no Google searches).
  4. Primary source citations are required. Cite from Sources in Ancient Mediterranean Civilizations using 1) the source number, 2) the author of your source (if provided), 3) the title, and 4) the page number. Place your citation in the text of your essay at the end of a sentence, and enclose it in parentheses. Example: (68-Herodotus, The Histories, 271).
  5. I will not read paper drafts submitted by email, but I encourage you to discuss your thesis and evidence with me in office hours.

As you begin:

  1. Read the appropriate primary source text(s) multiple times and take notes on the important themes before you develop a thesis or start outlining your essay.
  2. Look up the author and/or text in question in the indexes in the back of your textbook and read the appropriate pages to put your document in historical context.
  3. Only then should you develop a topic and gather textual support for it from your document. If the evidence seems thin or contradictory to you, it will probably seem so to me as well. When that happens, try modifying your thesis to fit the available evidence before you draft your paper.