Why do we respond to art? To what extent is the aesthetic response “biological”? What is the evidence? To what extent is is culturally/socially conditioned? How do the concepts of the enchantment of technology and technologies of enchantment fit in here?

After viewing the pages on the “Chroma” exhibit and the video “More Human Than Human,” respond in writing to these questions.

At a minimum, you should also reference class discussions and the articles assigned so far, especially those by Lawal, Robb, and Wengrow (if you weren’t originally assigned Wengrow, go back and read it now).

  1. Why do we respond to art? To what extent is the aesthetic response “biological”? What is the evidence? To what extent is is culturally/socially conditioned? How do the concepts of the enchantment of technology and technologies of enchantment fit in here?
  2. Compare and contrast Spivak (the video), Lawal, and Robb on the issue of schematism vs. realism. How does Robb explain the schematism (lack of actual realism) in classical sculpture? How does his explanation differ from Spivak’s? Note that Lawal (p. 313) discusses “selective realism,” the observation that Yoruba carvers emphasize the parts of the body that are (culturally) important to them.
  3. To what extent is the aesthetic response/aesthetic judgement culturally specific? What is the evidence?
  4. What is the relationship between aesthetics and communication?