Discuss whether this ad affected your values or actions? Did you buy the product or would you? Why did you choose this ad? What caught your attention about it?

For this week’s discussion, we take a look at some real ads. Pick one print ad, one TV ad, and one ad you saw on your phone or while on the internet. Analyze these three ads in terms of what we are learning. Please post a link to the ad or a picture of it if possible, or adequately describe it so we can respond to your discussion.

For each ad, identify the product offered and its unique selling point, the type of appeal and executional framework the ad used, and discuss who you think the target audience/market is. Discuss whether this ad affected your values or actions?

Did you buy the product or would you? Why did you choose this ad? What caught your attention about it?

What do you think the company was trying to accomplish with this ad? How would you rate the overall effectiveness of the ads?