Does the industry and other stakeholders understand how cyber threats evolve and how to anticipate them? What do you (or suggest to) do to avoid them?

1. What information will CAVs collect from the user?
2. Will CAVs provide a sufficient level of privacy?
3. What classifies as a breach of privacy for the CAV environment?
4. What can CAV manufacturers do to ensure personal space and privacy?
5. How important is privacy for CAV users and CAV manufacturers?
6. What are the measures that could help the user achieve a ‘more private’ CAV environment?
7. How the user can help with the task of safeguarding one’s privacy when using a CAV?
8. How do you define cyber security?
9. What does cyber security security mean to ordinary people?
10. What an attacker can do to a car if he/she was able to communicate on CAV’s internal network maliciously?
11. What is the current state of cyber security and what are the trends for the future regarding cyber security in CAVs?
12. Does the industry and other stakeholders understand how cyber threats evolve and how to anticipate them? What do
you (or suggest to) do to avoid them?
13. What should be done before we introduce CAVs into the market?
14. Will engineers/technology providers/regulators be able to solve most modern cyber security problems in AVs?
15. Who exactly is responsible for these problems?
16. How can the user help with the task of safeguarding one’s cyber security when using a CAV?
17. How CAV acceptance could be undermined by cyber security and privacy flaws?
18. How can we maintain or inspire trust?
19. What are the common cyber security and privacy mistakes users make?
20. What skills should the user of CAVs have from a cyber security and privacy point of view?
21. What type of education should be provided to CAVs users?
22. What is the role/responsibilities of end-user for CAVs?
23. Who should provide user education for CAVs and how?
24. What is the advice we give to end-users? To what extent do you think they can understand it?
25. How can we promote user responsibility?