Provide the author with thoughts about the significance of the effect being gender specific.  Support you answer with specific examples of pre- and post-synaptic mechanisms providing insight into the viability of the different models of addiction and abuse. 


Please answer 2 of the four questions below.  Each answer will consist of a two page essay, typed, double spaced.  The resources that you will need to use to complete the answers is your brain and the textbook.  There is no need to cite the information from the textbook.  Please be sure to put your name in a header at the top of the page.

  1. Clark Kent studies reflex timing in mice. He believes that the timing of the reflex is limited by the conduction velocity of action potentials along the neurons.  He proposes a study to examine changes to the signals in the reflex arc which relays afferent sensory information into the spinal column, to an interneuron, to a motor neuron to drive muscle contraction.  He plans to genetically alter the mice using CRISPR technology to make super mice that have faster than normal reflexes in response to sensory input.  The use of CRISPR means that you can propose any alterations that will increase communication within and between neurons.  Please describe three changes he can make which will increase the conduction velocity of action potentials.  Why do the changes that you suggest speed up the transmission of the signal from point A to point B?  Please remember that these neurons are already myelinated, and adding myelin is NOT an option.
  2. You have been asked to review and article that concludes abuse alters the presynaptic release of dopamine, whereas addiction alters the postsynaptic response to dopamine release. A second surprising result that the author mentions in passing is that this effect is only seen in males.  In your review, explain the events of between cell communication from when the action potential depolarizes the axon terminal and the postsynaptic receptors are activated changing the membrane voltage on the dendrites.  Based on your understanding of pre- and post-synaptic signals, and how they can be altered, is this conclusion possible. Provide the author with thoughts about the significance of the effect being gender specific.  Support you answer with specific examples of pre- and post-synaptic mechanisms providing insight into the viability of the different models of addiction and abuse.
  3. You have been asked to chair a panel as an expert on development and plasticity at the Society for Neuroscience Conference in November. The panel will discuss development, plasticity, and regeneration to provide information of a potential document explaining the differences and similarities to for grant authors to ensure proposal are sent to the appropriate funding agency.  As the chair, you will provide an overview of what we current know about impact of genes and experience on both development and plasticity in the nervous system.  You will write a report contain two sections.  In the first section, summarize your overview and providing a clear explanation of how development is directed (with examples) and provide an understanding of neuronal plasticity in both developing and adult nervous systems.  In the second section, define two unique aspects to development and plasticity. For example, how do preprogramed signals (genes) and experiences shape neuronal circuits?  Is it the same in both adult and developing tissue?  When motor systems are developing, is the process the same when adults learn new motor skills (such as playing an instrument).  Also, is there any information that might be used from our understanding of what is happening during development that might provide a clue as to the development of successful treatment after injury or damage to neurons?

As a graduate student, you are working in an anatomy lab and have been asked by your advisor to prepare a lecture for medical school students about the macro and micro relationship between structure and function in the nervous system.  (The relationship has been discussed in the maco-level examining the connection between function and area of the brain and on the mirco level examining how different types of neurons are classified.) Your advisor has asked that you prepare a summary guide for the students that contains the key information so they can use it to help prepare for the b Medical Board exam they will have to take.  In your summary, explain the structure of the nervous system, the connection between structure and function at these two levels (micro and macro), providing 2 specific examples within each level and a potential explanation of why/how the connection between