Draw a flowchart and write the corresponding SC machine language program to input two natural numbers from the input cards, multiply the numbers, and output their product. Use the method of

Assignment #3 – SC: Multiplication
Draw a flowchart and write the corresponding SC machine language program to input two natural
numbers from the input cards, multiply the numbers, and output their product. Use the method of
repeated additions to calculate the product.
Test the program a number of times with a different data. Three test runs to be turned in should be
made as follows:
a. using small numbers (result is two digits)
b. using larger numbers (result is three digits)
c. multiplying by zero (use a three digits number)
Ensure that your flowchart format comply with the requirements for Simple Computer
Turn in on-line (IN THIS ORDER)
1. The FIRST PAGE of this assignment as a coversheet
2. Include the flowchart properly documented
3. Contents of the SC emulator’s memory and input cards prior to each execution (cut and
paste a screenshot in a Word document)
4. Contents of the SC emulator’s memory, input cards and output cards after each execution
(cut and paste a screenshot in a Word document)