Why are scheduling and cost control important for project success? Who should be in control of the scheduling and cost control process and what is their role and responsibility from start to finish?

Prepare a presentation of 7 slides. The presentation should address the following:
The need for project scheduling and cost control
Why are scheduling and cost control important for project success?
Who should be in control of the scheduling and cost control process and what is their role and responsibility from start to finish?
Your plan for control schedule and control cost processes to be implemented
What are the major provisions of your plan? Explain.
How difficult would it be to implement your plan? Why?
The benefits of implementing these processes to your organization
How will your plan positively affect the project?
What could happen if an effective scheduling and cost control plan were ignored?
For each of the 3 topics above, reference 1–2 professional relevant case studies to support your arguments.
Evidence and case studies should be no older than 1998.