Look at population subgroups and Healthy People 2020 objectives. What differences do you see in subgroups? Which groups saw the greatest improvements in health, based on Healthy People 2020 trackable objectives?

1.Describe how Healthy People goals have changed since the initiative began with target year 1990.
a) For Healthy People 2020, identify a leading health indicator (LHI) for which the target was met or exceeded.
b) For Healthy People 2020, identify a leading health indicator (LHI) which got worse
3) Which topic area had the largest proportion of trackable objectives that improved? Which topic area had the largest proportion of trackable objectives that got worse?

4) Look at population subgroups and Healthy People 2020 objectives.
What differences do you see in subgroups? Which groups saw the greatest improvements in health, based on Healthy People 2020 trackable objectives?

5) Imagine that you are the executive director of a nonprofit organization in Westchester County. Your organization is planning launch a new initiative to improve the community’s health. Based on the Healthy People 2020 End of a Decade snapshot report, what population subgroup and health topic do you choose to focus on? Explain why. “STUDENT ACTIVITIES

6)Cubing is an activity that involves exploring one issue from six different directions.22 For this exercise, divide the class into equal groups of six students per group. Allow each group to select a health science topic of their choice. For the example, the topic is “bachelor of science in health science (BSHS) degree.” Each student is assigned one of the following six questions:
1. Describe: What is the bachelor of science in health science degree?
2. Compare: How does the BSHS compare to other undergraduate degrees?
3. Associate: What does the BSHS degree make you think of?
4. Analyze: What should we look for in the ideal BSHS degree?
5. Apply: Apply what we know about undergraduate college degrees to the BSHS degree.
Argue for and against it: Identify arguments for and against the BSHS degre”

Excerpt From
Essentials of Planning and Evaluation for Public Health
Karen (Kay) M. Perrin
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