Explain how following a network-based structure is advantageous to Amazon in terms of conducting its business activities. Support your answer by using two examples from this case study

  • Please read the case study entitled as “Amazon. com’s Network Structure.” available in the textbook “Organization Development & Change” 9th edition by Cummings, T and Worley, C and answer the following questions:


Assignment Question(s):


  • Q.1 Explain how following a network-based structure is advantageous to Amazon in terms of conducting its business activities. Support your answer by using two examples from this case study (2.5 marks) (Lo 1.6 & 2.2)
  • Q.2 Discuss the potential challenges that could be facing Amazon as a result of following a network-based structure. Support your answer by using two examples from this case study (2.5 marks) (Lo 1.6 & 2.2)
  • Q.3 Based on comparing product-centric with customer-centric structures, explain how could Amazon.com empower its business partners that are seeking to centralize their organization on either one of those structures (3 marks) (Lo 1.5 & 3.1)
  • Q.4 What would you recommend as potential core processes if Amazon has decided to follow a process-based structure? Explain and justify three of those processes (2 Marks) (Lo 1.5 & 3.1)







