What Is Postmodernism?

Topic: What Is Postmodernism?

What Is Postmodernism?
Contemporary artists (such as Elizabeth Murray) and architects (Robert Venturi or Frank Gehry) have begun to explore the notion of a new set of principles, based upon the eclectic sum of our modern, complex, visual world of neon signs and fast sound bites. This sense of disjunction, that the parts can never form a unified whole, is what we have come to identify as Postmodernism.

In his book, Learning from Las Vegas, Robert Venturi asserts that the collision of signs, styles, and symbols that mark the “American Strip,” in particular Las Vegas, could be seen as a new form of unity. “Disorder,” Venturi writes “[is] an order we cannot see….” Define Postmodernism and provide examples of where they have seen this union of eclectic designs.