of a neuron receive information from other sources.

Chapter 4 Tissues flashcard questions

chapter 3 and 4 lecture and flashcards questions

  1. _____________ is group of cells with common function.
  2. Organelle
  3. Organ
  4. Tissue
  5. Cellulose
  6. ________________ tissue covers the body; lines hollow organs, ducts, and cavities; forms glands
  7. Epithelial
  8. Connective
  9. Muscle
  10. blood


  1. ________________ tissue protects and supports; binds organs; stores energy as fat; forms


  1. Epithelial
  2. Connective
  3. Muscle
  4. Blood
  5. nervous
  6. ________________ tissue specialized for contraction, forms 3 types of muscle in the body; produces heat.
  7. Epithelial
  8. Connective
  9. Muscle
  10. Blood
  11. nervous
  12. ________________ tissue detect/respond to changes in environment through electrical signaling.
  13. Connective
  14. Muscle
  15. Blood
  16. Nervous
  17. _______________tissue membranes: compose organ linings and synovial membranes that make up synovial cavities.
  18. Synovial
  19. Connective
  20. Epithelial
  21. None of the above


  1. ___________ secrete mucous for protection, lubrication, etc.
  2. All epithelia attached to basal _____________________.
  3. Epithelial tissue is
  4. Avascular
  5. Vascular
  6. Partly vascular, partly avascular
  7. Has only lymphatic fluid
  8. Basement membrane is a thin, protein based extracellular layer deep to the epithelium.
  9. True
  10. false
  11. ______________ epithelium is one layer, all cells attached to basement.
  12. Simple squamous
  13. Stratified squamous
  14. Simple cuboidal
  15. Stratified cuboidal
  16. Simple columnar
  17. ______________ epithelium is 2+ layers, deepest attached to basement.
    1. Simple squamous
    2. Stratified squamous
    3. Simple cuboidal
    4. Stratified cuboidal
    5. pseudostratified


  1. ______________ epithelium is simple but appears stratified.
    1. Simple squamous
    2. Stratified squamous
    3. Simple cuboidal
    4. Stratified cuboidal
    5. pseudostratified


  1. ______________ epithelial cells are thin and flat; material passes easily.
    1. Simple squamous
    2. Stratified squamous
    3. Simple cuboidal
    4. Stratified cuboidal
    5. pseudostratified


  1. ______________ epithelial cells are cube shaped, some with microvilli or cilia.
  2. Simple squamous
  3. Stratified squamous
  4. Simple cuboidal
  5. Stratified cuboidal
  6. pseudostratified


  1. ______________ epithelial cells are column shaped, with microvilli or cilia.
    1. Simple squamous
    2. Stratified squamous
    3. Simple cuboidal
    4. Stratified columnar
    5. pseudostratified
  2. ______________secrete substances into ducts, onto surfaces, or into the blood.
    1. Simple squamous
    2. Stratified squamous
    3. Simple cuboidal
    4. Stratified columnar
    5. Simple columnar




  1. _____________ glands secrete hormones directly to the blood.
  2. Endocrine
  3. Exocrine
  4. Hypo
  5. Hyper
  6. None of the above
  7. Endocrine glands don’t have ducts.
  8. True
  9. False
  10. The matrix of a connective tissue may be liquid, semi-solid, or solid
  11. True
  12. False
  13. Cells in connective tissue are widely separated
  14. True
  15. False
  16. Extracellular matrix is non-living, makes most of the tissue and is composed of protein fibers and ground substance
  17. True
  18. False
  19. Blood, adipose tissue and cartilage are examples of connective tissue.
  20. True
  21. False
  22. _________________ connective tissue is very densely packed, has Fewer cells present, made of mostly collagen fibers/ fibroblasts. Tendons, pericardium, periosteum, heart valves are example of this kind of connective tissue.


  1. _______________ connective tissue has compact and spongy types. The basic unit of this tissue is called osteon.
  2. Spongy bone is filled with red bone marrow.
  3. True
  4. False
  5. ________________ is a connective tissue with liquid matrix and made of plasma and some dissolve substance.
  6. __________________ is a connective tissue with liquid matrix with fewer dissolved proteins. It is a component of the immune system and filters fluid and returns it to blood.
  7. Nervous tissue has 2 kinds of cells: _____________ and ________________.
  8. _________________ convert stimuli to electrical impulses. They are excitable.
  9. ________________ support and hold neurons together.
  10. 3 parts of neurons: _________________, ________________ and _____________.
  11. ____________ of a neuron receive information from other sources.
  12. ___________ of a neuron contains the nucleus and other organelles.
  13. ___________ of a neuron are single, long processes that send impulses out.