How will you address the identified gaps in your graduate-level skills? What resources will you access to fill the gaps? Based on your self-assessment results and reflection, what concerchons you about graduate work?

Assignment: Graduate Skills Self Assessment
If you were to in fact build the foundation of a castle—or a house, or some other structure—you would first need to make a plan. Then you would need to take stock of the materials and tools you have on hand with which to work. Do you have enough concrete for the size of the structure? Will you need steel for reinforcements? And what tools do you have to weatherproof the concrete?

This practice of taking stock is important in graduate study as well. What kinds of skills do you have at your disposal now? How do you perceive your abilities? A self-assessment allows you to reflect on the competencies you currently have and others to cultivate throughout your program. In this Assignment, you assess your graduate-level skills and then summarize the findings in a paper.

To Prepare
Take the Graduate Skills Self-Assessment found in the Learning Resources.
Reflect on your assessment results. What are your strengths and areas for improvement based on the graduate-level skills presented?

Assignment below
Write a 2-page paper, in the APA 7th edition course paper template, describing your self-assessment results, including your strengths and improvement areas. Be sure that your paper contains the three elements of an academic paper: introduction (with thesis statement), body of the paper, and conclusion. How will you address the identified gaps in your graduate-level skills? What resources will you access to fill the gaps? Based on your self-assessment results and reflection, what concerns you about graduate work?