Examine protective and risk factors that have impacted a client’s life to provide a background description of the client and issues presented.

Assignment Instructions

Suppose you have just opened up a resilience consulting company. Your unique approach to promoting resilience lies in the challenge of writing a resiliency consultation summary. Clients submit their stories and challenges, and provide you with enough information to help support them. Your role is to write a resiliency consultation summary that addresses individual experiences and needs using research and professional experience to help your client. People who are struggling in their personal and professional life come to see you for suggestions in overcoming obstacles. Through understanding patterns of resilience and growth,your clients will better manage their choices and maintain a positive attitude.

Using the resiliency consultation summary you will instruct and coach your client for the future. You will also provide your client with resources for follow up based upon his or her specific needs. Conclude with resources for the client to research that may help him or her continue through the growth process. Provide specific direction for how the client will access the resources, and not just a website link.

Part One

With your experience and knowledge on risk, resilience, positive psychology, and peak experiences in flow, create a one-page resiliency consultation summary with the following sections.

  • Client Description.
  • Identified Problem.
  • Identified Risks.
    • Cultural Factors.
    • Predictive Factors.
  • Recommendation and Resources.
Part Two

Provide a rationale for the information in your resiliency consultation summary using resiliency theories, concepts, models for risk, positive psychology, and peak experiences in flow. Include in your rational provide an alignment  for each of the sections of your resiliency consultation to the following criteria.

  • Identify the client’s stage of human development and characteristics.
  • Examine protective and risk factors that have impacted a client’s life to provide a background description of the client and issues presented.
    • Include gender, career (if any), family constellation, marital status, geographic location, education, ethnicity, religious focus, employability, physical or mental limitations, economic status, value system, and roles played by this individual in multiple groups like faith-based groups, social groups, et cetera.
  • Apply a theory of risk and resiliency to the analysis of a client’s needs
    • Set positive, achievable goals, using positive psychology and a strengths-based approach.
    • Provide resilience methods for the client’s successful navigation through life.
  • Anticipate challenges and plan for strategies of coping with changes.
    • Consider potential risk factors that may interrupt the typical pattern of growth for this individual.
  • Apply multidimensional resilience principles to client development.
    • Explain the process of resilience and advocacy approaches.
  • Explain various advocacy resources that could support client growth through anticipated challenges.