Identify general information for the lesson plan, including each of the following elements:

General Information

1. Identify general information for the lesson plan, including each of the following elements:

• lesson title

• subject

• grade/level/setting

• a prerequisite skill or connection to prior knowledge necessary for students to be able to participate in and benefit from the lesson plan


Standards and Objectives

2. Identify a state or national writing standard, including the alphanumeric indicator code and the written standard, that supports one of the following areas from the lesson:

• at least one step of the writing process: prewriting, composing, revising, editing, or publishing

• one of the following genres of writing: narrative, persuasive/opinion, or explanatory/informative

3. Provide a measurable learning objective that aligns with the standard from part A2 and includes a condition, behavior, and criterion.


Materials and Technology

4. Identify the materials used in the lesson for the students and the teacher.

5. Describe technology that would be incorporated in the lesson to enhance teaching or learning.


Language Demands

6. Identify the following language demands of the lesson:

• language function

• vocabulary

• discourse or syntax

• planned language supports


Instructional Strategies and Learning Tasks for Teacher Activities and Student Actions

7. Explain teacher and student actions for the lesson, incorporating the chosen genre and step(s) of the writing process where appropriate, by doing the following:

a. Explain the anticipatory set.

b. Explain the presentation procedures for new information, modeling, or both.

c. Explain guided practice.

d. Explain independent student practice.

e. Explain the culminating or closing procedure or activity.


Differentiated Instruction for Diverse Learners

8. Describe an instructional accommodation for each of the following student populations:

• gifted and talented students

• English learners (ELs)

• students with other special needs (mild to moderate exceptionalities; for example, dyslexia, ADHD, etc.)



9. Describe or provide a formative assessment that will be used to check for student understanding during the lesson.

10. Describe or provide a summative assessment that will evaluate student learning and aligns with the learning objective.


B. Explain how the text or activity integrated in the lesson plan based on the requirements in part A would contribute to the students’ development of awareness of differences in society (suggested length of at least 1 paragraph).


C. Acknowledge sources, using in-text citations and references, for content that is quoted, paraphrased, or summarized.


D. Demonstrate professional communication in the contechont and presentation of your submission