What can slave trade records such as James Barbot’s and Alexander Falconbridge’s descriptions of what they witnessed aboard slave ships and the record of slave deaths from the Sally’s account book tell us about the African experience of the Middle Passage?

Essay 2 Primary Sources pg. 67-71

General Observations on the Management of Slaves, 1700

An Account of the Slave Trade on the Coast of Africa, 1788

The Brig’s Sally’s Log

Q3 pg. 71 – Draw on your reading of the documents in this set to answer the following questions. What can slave trade records such as James Barbot’s and Alexander Falconbridge’s descriptions of what they witnessed aboard slave ships and the record of slave deaths from the Sally’s account book tell us about the African experience of the Middle Passage? What are the limitations of such evidence? These analytical essays are not summaries but instead offer a response to the Questions included with the document readings. Analytical essays are 2-3 pages in length and dissect the documents. DO NOT conduct any researchoch – this is your analysis of the documents.