Is the current taxation system fair to everyone? Do cameras enforced by law invade privacy? Is handgun ownership a right?

Rogerian argument

Begin with ONE of the following research questions, determine your position (yes or no), then craft your thesis statement. Your topic  statement should present your position + the reasoning why.

Is the election process fair to everyone?
Is the current taxation system fair to everyone?
Do cameras enforced by law invade privacy?
Is handgun ownership a right?
Is a two-child policy a good idea?
Are we too dependent on technology?
Are athletes paid more than needed?
Is marketing to children morally wrong?
Is torture ever acceptable?
Does cheating aid learning?
Is testing a good way to judge a student’s skill or efficiency?
Are television shows and movies increasing or encouraging criminal minds?
Should beauty pageants be banned?
Is there any crime the death penalty should be made mandatory for?
Should energy drinks be made illegal?
Should college be free for everyone?
Should SAT or ACT scores be considered in college admissions?
Should all primary and secondary schools switch to a year-round schedule?
Should core standards exist in school?
Does the U.S. have a police brutality issue?
Should citizens who are medically classified as obese pay more for their insurance/healthcare?
Is hunting good for the environment?
Should supermarkets ban the use of plastic bags?
Does being a vegetarian/vegan help the environment?
Are landfills a good idea?
Are alternative energy sources effective?
Do “helicopter parents” harm their children?
Should the U.S. ban interracial adoptions?
Are older parents better parents?
Do cell phones bring families closer together?
Do the expectations set by romantic novels and movies damage real relationships?
Should parents read their teenager’s journals?
Should schools switch entirely to e-texts?
Should teachers be armed?
*Instructor’s Note: If you would like to attempt a topic not on this list, please reach out to me in advance via email for approval.