Why this recommendation is an effective approach to strengthen the local food system?

Present an education program to help Brimbank residents make healthy & sustainable meals on a budget to reduce the economic barrier to healthy eating.


Chosen local government area: Brimbank city – a local government area located within the metropolitan area of Melbourne, Victoria, Australia, Victoria, Australia.

Please research to answer the following questions in detail:
– What are the specific details of this recommendation? Where, when, how, for who, etc?
– Why this recommendation is an effective approach to strengthen the local food system?
– Evidence must be provided as to why this recommendation should be prioritised in Brimbank?
– Evidence as to why this recommendation is feasible in Brimbank?
– What changes need to occur within the LGA of Brimbank in order to make this recommendation a reality?
– Who’s responsible? What partners/stakeholders/organisations should be involved?
– When the actions need to take place? A timeframe for action?To answer these questions, you should:
– research initiatives that have already been implemented in other local areas or countries and their results; you can identify ways similar initiatives could be implemented in Brimbank, how it’s going to work and what result we aim to achieve