Research about the fourth industrial revolution (Industry 4.0) in the food manufacturing industry, and how the industry 4.0 technologies can be used to increase efficiency increase productivity, and profits, reduce waste, plus other advantages

Use scientific literatures/journals and peer-reviewed articles as much as possible and reference appropriately. Google scholar can be used for the research. – References can be more than 40 sources.
Research about the fourth industrial revolution (Industry 4.0) in the food manufacturing industry, and how the industry 4.0 technologies can be used to increase efficiency increase productivity, and profits, reduce waste, plus other advantages. It can also mention how smart sensors are used in the machines. Maintenance of the machine is also an application such as in “machine condition monitoring”. You can write how AI (artificial intelligence), advanced robotics, and internet of things (IOT) can be used in the food manufacturing industry. Other technologies can be mentioned as well.
A focus should be on the APPLICATION of industry 4.0 in the food in industry and mention Australian companies using such technologies.

The thesis should include (but not limited to):
• Introduction
• Motivation
• Literature Review
• Research Questions
• Methodology
• Research Results
• Research Gaps
•cho New Findings
• Conclusions
• Future Work