Explain how these terms may help you in making a persuasive argument in your paper.

Purpose: Most debates in society involve some aspect of ethics. A simple definition of ethics that applies to our debate is “Moral principles that govern a person’s behavior or the conducting of an activity.” All of the topics for this class have an ethical question at their heart. This activity will help you identify ethical issues in your topic by considering eight key ethical questions. Considering these questions will help you make persuasive arguments on the ethics of your topic. You will find ethical arguments in most of your college coursework, in work, and in life. Task: Step 1.

Watch the video https://youtu.be/e72iASGLVfA?t=248 (the link purposefully begins the video at 4:08 seconds). Consider which of these eight questions best applies to your subject. Step 2. In a 300-word (min) paragraph, explain which ethical questions in the video apply to your topic and why? Which is the most paramount question to your debate? Does more than one question apply?

Explain how these terms may help you in making a persuasive argument in your paper. Criteria for Success: Successful papers will show evidence that the ethical terms from the video are fully understood and applied to your topic. Successful papers will explain how ethical questions operate in your debate and will reflect on how these terms might be useful for your persuasive argument. Utilize Statement below and attachment with references. With technology continuing to grow at a rapid rate each year, self driving cars would make our lives much easier but that means new problechoms will arise pertaining to DUI’s.