Identify services that are not currently available but would be valuable and improve outcomes for the vulnerable population.

Community Research PowerPoint

Prepare a power point presentation (10 slide max) that identifies each of the following.
Include and introduction, citation and reference slide.

Population; Describe in detail:
Socioeconomic status
Health/Lifestyle Behavior

Health Risks; Identify and explain:
Health promotion
Health risks

Resources; Identify and describe the following availability in the community
Resources to meet population need
Programs to meet population need
Services to meet population need
Service Gaps/Interventions.
Identify services that are not currently available but would be valuable and improve outcomes for the vulnerable population. List as:
Primary interventions
Secondary interventions
Tertiary interventions
Summary; Summarize research plans to address:
Health promotion
Health risks
Please Look At The Helpful Reference List Below For Your Project: