What role does albumin play in the blood? What happens to albumin production with liver failure? -Removes excess fluid and waste products, maintains pH, CVA tenderness, GFR.

10.Review signs and symptoms of appendicitis. How do we assess for this condition? Appendicitis- inflammation in the vermiform appendix. S/S- RLQ pain and tenderness, nausea, vomiting, fever, diarrhea and systemic signs of inflammation
11. Review signs and symptoms of liver disease. Review complications of liver disease such as ascites, hepatic encephalopathy and esophageal varices. How are esophageal varices managed/treated? Jaundice- green/yellow skin due to bilirubin due to impaired bilirubin metabolism. Ascites- accumulation of fluid in peritoneal cavity due to portal hypertension and hypoalbuminemia. Check total protein and albumin and fluid examination. Hepatic Encephalopathy- neuropsychiatric syndrome from too much ammonia. S/s-dementia, asterixis, mild confusion and lethargy to stupor and coma. Cirrhosis- end stage liver disease- irreversible- acute, chronic and toxic hepatitis, metal storage disease and alcoholism. Esophageal Varices- dilated blood vessels in the esophagus. Can rupture due to high blood pressure. We must reduce blood pressure to manage it and put rubber bands to control bleeding when it ruptures.
12.What role does albumin play in the blood? What happens to albumin production with liver failure? -Removes excess fluid and waste products, maintains pH, CVA tenderness, GFR.
13.What are the functions of the kidneys? How do we assess for renal disorders? Functions- excretion- removal of waste products, elimination-discharge of waste productions, regulation of blood volume levels, ions conc, blood pH and nutrients. Assessment of renal disorders- dialysis, glomerular filtration rate. Some findings are-CVA tenderness and blood in urine.
14.What is polycystic kidney disease? What causes this condition? genetically transmitted, many fluid filled cyst. Can lead to renal failure. Two types-autosomal recessive forms or autosomal dominant types.
15.Review the following terms: nephrons, hematuria, proteinuria, nephrolithiasis, pyelonephritis, cystitis Nephrons- filters in the kidney Hematuria- blood in urine- abnormal finding Proteinuria- protein in urine- abnormal finding Nephrolithiasis- kidney stones Pyelonephritis- kidney inflammation due to infection Cystitis- inflammation of the bladder.