What diagnostic tool is used to identify acute coronary syndrome? a. 12 lead EKG

53. What is atherosclerosis? How does plaque formation begin? a. the buildup of fatty material and plaque on artery walls, causing them to narrow, impeding blood flow. b. damage to the endothelium due to hypertension, excess lipids, bacteria, which initiates the inflammatory process and plaque buildup

54. Review the difference between stable versus unstable angina a. stable angina- pain is relieved with rest or nitroglycerin (vasodilator) b. unstable angina- unpredictable, increases in occurrence, duration, and severity over time, not relieved with nitro or rest.

55. What diagnostic tool is used to identify acute coronary syndrome? a. 12 lead EKG

56. Review the following terms: afterload, preload, cardiac output a. afterload- the amount of pressure the heart has to use to overcome to push blood out b. preload- the amount of blood that is filling the heart when the heart is at rest c. cardiac output- how much blood in pumped by ventricles with each minute,

57. Review the differences between left-sided versus right-sided heart failure, know signs/symptoms for each. a. left-sided HF- coming from the lungs and will have SOB, pulmonary edema, crackles, b. Right sided HF- coming from peripheries, JVD, splenomegaly, hepatomegaly, ascites,

58. Review the signs and symptoms of shock. Review the causes of different types of shock including: anaphylactic shock, cardiogenic shock, hypovolemic shock, obstructive shock, septic shock (distributive shock) a. shock- low blood pressure,imbalance btw oxygen supply (low) and demand (high) i. hypovolemic shock-loss of blood volume due to 1. hemorrhage or excessive loss of ECF due to burns ii. distributive-abnormal distribution of blood flow due to inappropriate vasodilation 1. anaphylactic shock-widespread inflammation due to antigens,urticaria, pruritus, bronchoconstriction, stridor,wheezing 2. septic shock- due to infection (bacteria/viral/fungal) iii. obstructive shock-circulatory blockage like a PE or cardiac tamponade, that disrupts cardiac output iv. cardiogenic shock- inadequate cardiac output despite sufficient vascular volume b. What are complications of shock? i. Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation, renal failure, multiple organ dysfunction (MODS)

59. What are the stages of hemostasis? What medications can affect hemostasis? a. stopping of the bleeding. begins with vascular spasm, platelet plug formation, coagulation, clot retraction and dissolution b. heparin and lovenox 60. What is hemophilia? What is the treatment for hemophilia? a. Genetic bleeding disorder due to the absence of clotting factors that pay a role in clotting cascade
b. Give infusions of clotting factors (fresh frozen plasma, cryoprecipitate)