Identify at least one turning point in your life. What decision did you make at this time, and how has this influenced the person you are today?

Self-Reflection and Discussion Questions
1. Identify at least one turning point in your life. What decision did
you make at this time, and how has this influenced the person you
are today?
2. What does existential anxiety mean to you? How do you deal with this
kind of anxiety in your life?
3. Existential therapy provides a philosophy and a framework for psycho-
therapy, but few techniques. How can you have an existential orienta-
tion and at the same time incorporate techniques from other therapy
4. Existential themes have relevance for working with a range of clients
with a variety of problems in various settings. What one existential
theme do you believe is a key issue for many people today?
5. How would you work with a client who has little interest in exploring
existential themes and asks for advice on how to deal with some con-
crete problem?